Voice casting & recording
Online Voices has set a new standard for voice-over services. More voice talents, more demo types, hundreds of languages and dialects, and you can join in each recording digitally wherever you are. Our experienced staff will create smooth and customized solutions for your project.
With thousands of handpicked voice talents in our database, we can make your script come to life, give meaning and build trust. We do this in any language, from young to old, from famous voices to hidden gems.
You can either spend a few minutes searching and comparing voices by clicking on Search Voices, or drop us a line with your requirements and let our casting experts present a selection of good choices. This personal casting service is free of charge no matter if your project is in one language or a hundred. No strings attached.
When it’s time for the recording session, you and your team will be invited to take part in the directing process, physically or digitally. Our sound producers will oversee every little detail, record to picture if needed, edit, mix and make sure you get exactly what you need.
Contact us now, and we will help you through the whole process: from casting, pricing, usage, booking, recording, and directing, to a fully professional mastered audio file. Great results every time.